1 of 6000 and counting on Google Apps

Post date: Aug 20, 2012 3:46:01 PM

There is a worldwide growing community of over 6,000 experts – called Google Apps Resellers – who can help you do more with Google Apps for your Business.And we are one of those Google Apps Authorized Resellers based in Mississauga (west of Toronto) and providing Cloud Computing Solutions all across the GTA - Greater Toronto Area.

When should you engage a Google Apps Reseller?

Here are some ways we can assist your businesses:

* Assessing the initial move to cloud-based solutions

* Helping set up and manage Google Apps

* Training employees to fully explore and use the many features of Google Apps

* Data, data, data – migrating data, implementing data policies, managing storage with Google Drive, and more

* Integrating Google Apps with other business applications

* And more, including support, network and security management, and building Google Sites

Get in touch with us today for a first consultation on your next steps into the Cloud.

Edit on Dec.2012:

Recently Google has provided a tool to find a nearby Google Apps Authorized Reseller / Google Enterprise Partner.

Check our Page there theXS - simplifying IT as Google Apps Authorized Reseller.

(*) Information originally posted on Google Enterprise Blog