How good is your backup and disaster recovery plan?

Post date: Mar 7, 2013 8:44:14 PM

At the time of recovery is when we actually know if we had a good backup and disaster recovery (BDR) plan, but we should not wait that long to figure it out, because it might be too late then if it were not that good.

Let’s try a simple questionnaire: IF you answer NO to any of these four questions, you should consider a review of your current backup and disaster recovery plan, as soon as possible:

  1. IF you delete an important file or email, can you get it back?
  2. IF you change a document by mistake, can you recover a previous version?
  3. IF your computer or laptop is lost or broken, can you restore all your data?
  4. IF your office is in a disaster situation (thief, fire, flood), can you recover all your information?

We can help you on the evaluation of your current plan, just Call for Free Consultation.

Remember, DATA is the lifeblood of your Business.

ps. Most Small Business don’t have a comprehensive backup and disaster recovery solution.

But also, most of them won’t recover from a major IT disaster.