More Gmail with Labs

Post date: Jul 1, 2012 2:51:23 AM

While using Gmail for your domain within Google Apps for Business, you can improve the functionality with a few extras included in Labs. Some of them would be just "crazy experimental stuff", however the some would be default features at some point.Go Settings > Labs and enable the following features for better experience:

  • Apps Search: Gmail searches including docs, chat, etc... > No longer in Labs, but included as standard feature through Domain settings ...
  • Canned Responses: Email for the truly lazy. Save and then send your common messages using a button next to the compose form. Also automatically send emails using filters. Good for extra fancy signatures.
  • Inserting Images: Allows you to insert images into a message body. You can upload and insert image files in your computer, or insert images by URLs. This lab will not work if you have offline enabled.
  • Message Sneak Peek: Peek into a conversation without opening it by right-clicking on a message in your inbox.
  • Signature tweaks: Places your signature before the quoted text in a reply, and removes the "--" line that appears before signatures.

There are many others for you to try, we have settled for these few extras.