Shared Contacts Directory for your Domain on Google Apps.

Deprecation announcement

After careful consideration, we have stopped development and support for our Shared Contacts Directory app (xsDirectory), for your Domain on G Suite (Google Apps)

We don't have the required resources to keep up with the changes happening in the ecosystem this app is based upon.

The app will stop working on July 1st, 2019

We are cancelling all monthly subscription payment by Monday Nov. 5, 2018, as a token of appreciation for your support

You can keep using the app at no cost for the remaining of its life time, until July 1st, 2019

Your Business Contacts are among the most valuable Assets within your Organization.

Although, they are usually spread out among your Company employees without a central and shared contacts Directory.

Even with Google Apps we still have that limitation, but not any more...

xsDirectory is a Web App built for your Google Apps Domain using Google Apps Script.

Every Organization needs a Directory with several Contacts Address Books to share across their Domain Users, some users would contribute to these books and others would just use them. Google Apps still does not provide such a solution and among the few third party options, none of them include all the key elements a Shared Contacts Directory should have.

xsDirectory provides a simple non intrusive solution fulfilling all those requirements: running within your Domain (your contacts are always with you) where you can choose a group of users with access to each contacts book, and decide who has full or just view permission. Contact’s books would show up as contact’s labels on each book-group member in Gmail (Contacts) and book-group owners (with full access) can freely add or edit contacts within that contact’s label (book). Additions and changes made by book-group owners will shortly propagate across the Domain and appear on the rest of book-group members in Gmail (Contacts) web interface.

After the installation in your Domain, xsDirectory offers a simple administration interface to enter new book names and associate them to a users group for access, as well as adjusting a few settings if needed. When the books are defined and xsDirectory is started, then it’s done.

xsDirectory App is only 9.95 a month (USD) for your whole Domain with Unlimited Users, and when installed from the Chrome Web Store, you will get 30-day Free Trial period.

Install xsDirectory Web App from the Chrome Web Store following this link

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You can watch xsDirectory App in action in this short video (9:46)

Find below current xsDirectory Reference document including TOS and SLA.

xsDirectory Reference